Hello blog readers! I am currently preparing to start semester six out of eight. What?! I still don't know how that's possible. It seems like I just started college as an itty bitty freshman. So much has changed since my freshman year. During my five semesters, I learned so much. Yes, I've learned all the science and every single detail about nutrition and metabolism, but I've also learned a lot about college in the process. So I have for you, five things I've learned in five semesters:
5. Don't stereotype people
Not all engineers are nerds who can't socialize. Not all design majors dress like Vogue models. Not all dietetics majors are competitive--actually that one is true. Not all girls in sororities are stupid; I know that's hard to believe but I know a chemical engineer major who loves the sorority life. They do exist! The point is, somebody's major doesn't define them. Their major doesn't shape who they are, what they believe in, or how they act.
4. Sleep is so important
In college, people love to brag about pulling all nighters to study as they chug their RedBull or large coffee. This is SO stupid! These people are almost always a wreck the next day. Ignore the advertisements on campus for the library being open 24/7, free coffee from midnight to 6am, or breakfast at 2am in the dining centers. Get some sleep! Your body will thank you for it and you will be able to perform better on exams if you're rested.
3. Be yourself
There are lots of pressures in college. The pressure to conform to society is intense. I noticed it myself during my freshman year. I noticed I was talking differently than I did in high school (thanks to being surrounded by people only my age) and it was hard to find time for family and friends back home. Eventually I "re-found" myself and realized it was okay to be myself and go to bed at 10pm. It was okay to not always be with someone or to not always be texting someone. It's good for the soul to be submerged into the college environment; you really do find who you are.
2. You won't find your future spouse on your first day
THIS. IS. A. LIE!!!! I don't know who came up with this dump myth, but it's not true. I never want to see the first guys I met at college ever. again. On this topic, drop the expectation to find your husband/wife at college. Just because your siblings did that doesn't mean you have to! If you find yourself getting down on yourself for only having three semesters left with no future spouse in sight, remind yourself why you started. For me, I went to college to become a registered dietitian and feed babies. Any mention of finding a spouse in there? Nope. That's not why I came to college.
1. Your friends will change
Someone told me this as a freshman, and I didn't believe them. However it is true. Looking back, there are three people I met freshman year who I still keep in contact with and talk to a regular basis. Some friends I just lost contact with once we didn't have class together. There was some pretty nasty fights and conversations with other friends. I've gone through seasons of life where I realized I deserved better than how some friends were treating me. Each semester, new friends have been brought into my life and I always feel like I've known them forever. It's completely natural for friendships to drift apart. It doesn't mean it has to be sad or bring you bitterness. Cherish the friends that do stick around though because those are the true gems.
One more thing to add: if you ever get discouraged or want to quit, reconnect with your freshman self. Remember how excited you were and how pumped you were to learn about something you're passionate about. Take a trip down memory lane and look through your freshman year album on Facebook. Rediscover that excitement during this temporary phase of life.
Keep on keeping on!
Sarah :)
Freshman Year, 19 years old, notice the lanyard... |
Sophomore year, 20 years old |
Junior year, 21 years old |