Friday, January 24, 2014

January 2012: Crappy New Year!

January 2012

Uncle Mark comes!
While most Americans were starting their New Year's Resolutions of eating healthy, losing weight, working out, etc. I woke up on New Year's Day feeling worse than I had when I went to bed on New Year's Eve. My entire body ached. My headache was horrible and my stomach was very upset, but every single muscle in my body was hurting. I felt like I had been beaten with a baseball bat. I was taking Tylenol every six hours, but it was doing nothing to help my symptoms. I wasn't able to babysit or go to the first drama practice that our home school group was hosting. On the plus side, my dad's brother from Wisconsin had come for the Iowa Caucus!
 Finally, on January 5, my mom took me to see my pediatrician, Dr. S. I hadn't been to see him since April of 2011 when he referred me to the pediatric GI doctor who diagnosed me with celiac disease.
 Let's review my current symptoms: headache, no taste, chronic stomach ache, and body aches. I still wasn't excited about going to the doctor, but I was desperate. The looming date of my appointment in Iowa City was getting closer, and I needed a miracle. When I met with Dr. S., he seemed surprised to hear that I was still struggling with my health. Being my pediatrician, he had read notes from my two pediatric GI doctors, surgeon, and endocrinologist. Dr. S. introduced us to his new laptop that he had to carry around with him. He showed us how he had to update all of my medical history (you can probably image how long that took) and list any present symptoms. Dr. S. mentioned several times how much he hated his new computer; it made the appointment very humorous and enjoyable. If he didn't carry his laptop around with him, he would be charged $50,000! This computer was an obvious problem: apparently "loss of taste" isn't listed in the computer's database of possible symptoms. So Dr. S. pulls out his iPhone and gets on one of his doctor apps to find the medical term for loss of taste. Just in case you're interested, it's ageusia. After Dr. S. satisfied his computer, he told me that he was going to test me for 11 different conditions: mono, strep, flu, walking pneumonia, B-12 deficiency, zinc deficiency, CPK, parvo B-19, sedimentation rate ESR, rheumatoid arthritis, and ANA. I have no idea what about half of those things are, but if anybody with medical knowledge out there is reading this, you might. I was hoping one of the friendly lab techs in Dr. S.'s office could get all these swabs and vials of blood, but their lab was only able to handle the basic tests. Blood was drawn for mono, walking pneumonia, and a basic CBC. Even though I had already had mono, Dr. S. still wanted to check just in case. A strep swab (GAG!) and a flu swab (how I would imagine it feels to be mummified and have one's brains pulled out through their nose) were also drawn. After a while, the in-office results came back. They were all negative. Two samples of the walking pneumonia, strep, and flu were taken and the second sample would be sent to a different lab for confirmation. Next, Dr. S. sent me over to the draw room across the street at the main hospital building. A very small and cramped room, the draw room was occupied by a screaming baby and me, separated with a curtain. Six vials of blood were drawn for the rare conditions that I was being tested for. After being poked and prodded, I was sent home. It was a beautiful day: 60 degree weather on January 5th in Iowa! I desperately wanted to walk around the lake, but I was not feeling up for it. My mom offered to push me around the lake in a wheelchair (ha!), but there was no way on this earth that I would ever consent to that. I could only imagine the looks I would get. In addition to feeling awful, I had to start eating more again. My weight had dropped to 116 pounds, a 37 pound decrease from my pre-sick weight. I downloaded the WebMD app on my iPod and started researching what I was being tested for. A B-12 and zinc deficiency made perfect sense to me. Symptoms included loss of taste, body aches, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea...pretty much every symptom I had!. I had a small glimmer of hope that we had found the answers, but I was wrong. All the tests came back either negative or normal.
I was finding it very hard to cope with the amount of pain my body was in. My mom had to replace my heavy quilt with a lighter blanket because the weight of the quilt was too much. I was also so tired. I took an hour long nap every evening at 5:00. If I didn't nap, I just rested my exhausted and weak body. I tried to update my daily journal, but it hurt too much to write. However, I was going stir-crazy in my house so I slowly dragged myself around the block to get some fresh air. The next day was Sunday, and I was in church with my family when my mom's cell phone rang. She quickly rushed out of church to answer it and came back to tell me that somebody from Dr. S.'s office had called and the second sample for walking pneumonia came back positive! I immediately started the famous "z-pack" that is commonly used to treat walking pneumonia. I was optimistic that this medicine would take away the pain, headaches, and maybe even that chronic nausea...I should have known better. The z-pack is known to take symptoms away immediately, and I was not having any immediate results. Two days later, we got a call from Nurse T. at Dr. S.'s office. She told us that Dr. S. had thought of two more things to test me for: my cortisol levels and Lyme's disease. On the same day as this blood was taken, I had another follow up with Dr. C., my endocrinologist. Dr. C. didn't think any of my current symptoms were related to my thyroid, but she drew her usual lab work anyways. My veins were in very bad shape. Two phlebotomists poked for probably 15 minutes until finally they were able to get the minimal amount of blood needed. My mom said that I was a very unnatural shade of gray during this process. My arms hurt so bad, and they were terribly bruised. The inside of my elbow and about halfway down the inside of my forearm were a nasty yellowish color. Two days after seeing Dr. C., I had another follow up with Dr. S. He had just learned that the Lyme's disease test came back positive! I had heard of Lyme's disease, but I wasn't exactly sure what it was.
Lyme's Disease: a tick-borne illness, the usual symptom of Lyme's disease is a rash. Other common symptoms are fever, chills, aches, weakness, and headache.
Ticks already completely gross me out, but now I despised them even more! Had a stupid infected tick really caused me all this pain?! Dr. S. immediately called a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the other hospital, Dr. Casta., who could see me in about an hour and a half. I was very overwhelmed, confused, and worried. As my mom and I left Dr. S.'s office, he reassured us that "we will get everything straightened out." We quickly dashed home, stuffed down some sandwiches, and then drove back downtown to the other hospital. On the way to the hospital, I noticed a billboard advertising the hospital with a doctor playing with a little boy on it. I thought it would be funny if I saw one of my doctors on a billboard. At Dr. Casta.'s office, a very nice nurse called my name and took my vitals. She was so nice and funny. She asked very detailed questions about where I had traveled in the last five years. I told her about the cruise I went on in 2010 and going to Wisconsin a little over a month ago. She said that Lyme's disease can sometimes have a "false positive" in the blood test, but Dr. Casta. could tell us more about it. Shortly after she left, a very familiar looking doctor walked in the exam room. I then realized that I was looking at the same doctor who was on the billboard! Dr. Casta., who is from Peru, was very nice. He said that the blood test isn't very accurate, and the loss of taste, nausea, and weight loss probably wasn't from Lyme's disease. Wisconsin, where I had a blast shopping, is one the most common states for Lyme-carrying ticks. Dr. Casta. told me that he was going to talk to some of his colleagues at the medical school where he trained about me.
"I'm going to be thinking about you." Dr. Casta. said with a smile as he sent us down to the lab. Another six vials of blood were drawn, checking for CVID disease, HIV, connective tissue cascade, T&B cell, and a CBC. As if I didn't have enough going on, I also had an orthodontist appointment on this same day! One day, three doctors, six hours.
Ouch :(
Here is a short recap for you: in one week, I had 15 vials of blood drawn and I had seen four different doctors. I was completely exhausted. Even though I had been tested for 17 ailments, poked with needles, and touched by doctors, I was still very sick. My sister's boyfriend said it best: "She is a sick little girl." My only hope for not going to Iowa City rested with Dr. Casta. Maybe he would find the missing piece of the puzzle in the blood work or maybe one of his colleagues would come up with something.
 About a week later, the nice nurse from Dr. Casta.'s office called. All of the blood work was normal. The only thing left was for me to go to Iowa City on January 23--six days later. I was completely crushed.should have been. As for the loss of taste, it was suggested that I see an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. I went to our family's regular ENT who noticed that my nose was stuffed up with a lot of mucus and inflammation. The ENT prescribed the steroid Prednisone to get rid of the inflammation and the nose spray Afrin for five days. He was confident that those two treatments would clear my nose up quickly. The appointment with the ENT was on a Friday, and the following Monday was my appointment in Iowa City. For the whole weekend, my mom was determined to keep me busy so I wouldn't think about the appointment. My grandparents were sweet enough to send me flowers and a stuffed teddy bear to take with me to Iowa City! I spent the weekend reading, doing Sudoku puzzles, knitting, painting pottery at Glazed Expressions, and crafting. My mom and I went to see "The Iron Lady", a film about British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, and we also watched Downton Abbey on Sunday night. The weekend was fun and went by way too fast. As I laid in bed on the eve of the appointment in Iowa City, I didn't know what to expect. Way back in October, when my GI doctor suggested that I keep the appointment, it was decided that any further testing that the doctor in Iowa City wanted to do would be done in Des Moines. The appointment in Iowa City should be a meet-and-greet with the doctor, getting his opinion, and following his plan of action. That is what it

TO BE CONTINUED..............
A sweet surprise from my grandparents!

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