I was actually looking forward to the gastric emptying scan (GES). I was getting tired of feeling so full so early in a meal. It made finishing the meal very difficult. I felt so full all the time. I knew there was no way that this test would come back normal. The GES was a rather different test. I looked it up online and learned that I would eat radioactive eggs and toast--my mom called ahead and informed the techs that I would be bringing my own gluten-free toast. X-rays would be taken of my stomach and the movement of the radioactive eggs would be tracked to show if my stomach was emptying at a normal rate. I had to fast for 12 hours before the test, and I still was not hungry when I arrived for the test. A very sweet tech explained to me how the test would work. I was worried that I would have to stay until the eggs were out of my stomach, but the tech said that they would take x-rays for two hours, then I could leave. A radiologist would then look at the x-rays and estimate the total time. The tech brought me microwaved scrambled eggs that she said were injected with something radioactive. I was a little nervous to eat them, but they tasted like regular scrambled eggs. The hospital even provided salt and pepper shakers! While eating my meal, the tech said that they used to feed people beef stew with liver pate! After I finished the eggs and toast, I felt nauseous and full. We waited a little bit and then took the first x-ray. I was able to see the monitor and a glowing mass in my stomach that was the radioactive eggs! It was actually really cool. Every 15 minutes for two hours, I had x-rays taken for 30 seconds--one set with my stomach facing a big x-ray board and another set with my back facing the board. The time actually went by quickly. I played on my iPod, read, did Sudoku puzzles, and watched the TV show "House" on a small TV that was in the room. Since we were able to see how the radioactive eggs looked in my stomach, my mom and I tried to make out how it was moving. All the x-rays looked the same though. There was a big glowing ball at the top of my stomach that never moved, and the rest of the glowing eggs spread out into a backwards L shape. I am by no means a professional, but I could tell that the glowing mass of radioactive eggs at the top of my stomach did not move. After two hours, I was allowed to leave. The tech wished me luck and said that we should hear the results in a few days.
Two days later, April 27, Nurse J. from my pediatric GI doctor's office called. Nurse J. confirmed that there was a delay in my gastric emptying. Delayed gastric emptying is also known as gastroparesis:
Gastroparesis: Gastroparesis is a condition that reduces the ability of the stomach to empty its contents.
I wasn't surprised to hear of my new diagnosis; I had already self-diagnosed myself with gastroparesis after doing some research online. Dr. Di was putting me back on erythromycin, a medicine which is supposed to increase gastric emptying and told us to report back in one month. I was beginning to get weary of all of this. I had been fighting constant nausea for over a year, and I just wanted to feel better. How did I start off with mono and end up with three chronic and lifelong digestive issues? My weight was still an issue. I felt like I was eating so much, but my weight kept dropping. In one week I lost one and a half pounds. Nurse T., who I did my weekly weight checks with, said that if I kept losing weight, she might have Dr. S. call Dr. Di. I was terrified at the prospect of that; I was worried Dr. Di would put a feeding tube in me.
May 2012
On the second day of May, I saw a little tiny glimmer of hope. I had accompanied the family that I babysit for to Pella, Iowa. The kids' mom was running a 5k race for the kick-off of the annual Pella Tulip Festival. It was unusually hot for the beginning of May. While walking around Pella with the kids, I noticed that for the first time in a long time, I felt good! I didn't have the severe pain that I had been dealing with for two and a half weeks now, and my stomach wasn't horribly upset. I didn't know what was happening, but something was changing.
I made this cupcake for my first GF anniversary |
However, May 4 was an exciting day. I had spent the whole day feeling that something was different, and I couldn't put my finger on it. At the end of the day, it finally hit me. I didn't have any level eight abdominal pain!! I had some uncomfortable feelings in my stomach/abdomen, but they were quickly resolved with Dr. Di's Altoid tip. I was so thrilled and grateful. I felt like I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing else could go wrong, right? WRONG. The very next day, May 5, I felt a completely new feeling in my stomach. After a great day the day before, my mom hoped it was a positive feeling. It wasn't. It took a few days for me to pinpoint what exactly this new feeling was, but I eventually did. Burning. My stomach burned. On May 10, I had had enough. My mom called Nurse J. who reported this to Dr. Di. I was instructed to stop the erythromycin because it can be harsh on the stomach. When my mom asked what medicine I would be put on for the gastroparesis, the answer shocked us. There was no other medicine. Dr. Di suggested eating six smaller meals a day, but if it gets too hard he could put a tube in. Eating was so unpleasant that I wanted to eat it all at once and get it over with. How was I supposed to eat six small meals a day?! My mom was very upset--she was responsible for feeding me but how was she supposed to? My mom called Nurse T. who gave us some tips. Nurse T. suggested dividing lunch and dinner in half. If I had a grilled cheese sandwich, cut it half. Put one half on a plate and eat it now, and put the other half on a plate to eat a couple hours later. I immediately hated the whole concept. My weight was dropping with eating a regular size meal; what would happen if I didn't eat the other half of a meal because I was busy? Was I really supposed to drag food with me everywhere I went? My mom and I were frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed. I just wanted a medicine that would fix the gastroparesis, but I had to realize that there is no medicine. My mom asked Nurse T. if she could find out how delayed my gastric emptying was. It took 148 minutes for my stomach to be half empty; that's 2.5 hours. For my stomach to be completely empty, it took 296 minutes or about five hours. The average, normal gastric emptying, stomach is 75% empty in 90 minutes or 1.5 hours. That is a HUGE (or maybe I should say LONG) difference between the average stomach and mine. It took a while, but eventually I got on the new eating schedule. I hated eating every two hours, like a newborn baby. My mom had to set an alarm on her phone for when I was supposed to eat next, and that quickly became old. I did feel better (less full) with eating smaller meals, but I still wasn't hungry in between meals.
Even with a burning stomach, I still managed to live a somewhat normal life. I had a sleepover with my friend T., which made me feel victorious. I could actually stay up late! There were many days when I looked forward to going to bed, but not on this day. Of course, the victorious feeling didn't last long. A few days later, I felt so terrible. I was exhausted all the time, I felt very nauseous, and my stomach still burned and was sensitive to the touch. I had been off the erythromycin for eight days; I was starting to think the burning had nothing to do with erythromycin in the first place. Two days later I went to see my pediatrician, Dr. S. Dr. S. agreed that my new and continuing symptoms probably weren't related to erythromycin as it takes six hours for the medicine to leave the body. He did a strep and blood test, both of which came back normal. Dr. S. thought it might just be a virus but wanted me to call Dr. Di if I wasn't feeling better in one week.
"But I'm always here for you!" Dr. S. added with his usual spark of enthusiasm.
After I came home from Dr. S.'s office, I finished my last day of 10th grade. Usually the last day of school is a very exciting and fun day, but I wasn't excited about finishing school. Tenth grade had been very rough. I had surgery, experienced Dr. Satan in Iowa City, went through a vigorous colon clean out, I was hospitalized and diagnosed with IBS, then I received another diagnosis of gastroparesis, and now I had no clue why my stomach burned. During all of this though, I stayed on top of school. It was a distraction; a way to think about something else for a change. It gave me something to do. Now I was starting the summer of 2012 with nothing to do. I was too sick to work anywhere, as my siblings would spend their summer working. I would babysitting Lucy and Collin for two mornings during the summer, and I knew that would mentally help me. With no school, I didn't know how I was going to fill the long hours of each day. My mom and I had started a routine of getting out of the house every day, and that did help pass the time.
I was not very positive about summer starting, but I had no idea what was going to happen during the summer of 2012. I'll give you a sneak peak: at some point during the hot summer days, I would gain my health, strength, and life back!
Me and my dear friend T.'s feet at our sleepover :) |