Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The "Something Else"

June 2013

Clean out day :(
I hoped and prayed that something, anything, would change or improve so I wouldn't have to have my third endoscopy and second colonoscopy on June 6. My stomach refused to comply with this idea. There were events to keep my mind busy however. My mom and I made mints and table favors with my future sister-in-law for their upcoming wedding, and we also hosted and attended bridal showers. June 4 was my last day of freedom before the following clean out and scope. I met up with a friend of mine who was moving to California at Starbucks. I ordered a Grande Frappuccino as a treat for myself since I knew what to expect for the next two days. I wasn't able to eat any solids on June 5 so I started the day with a popsicle. The "dirty", as Dr. Di put it, clean out started at noon with a magnesium citrate. I downed it in my usual time of 30 minutes while watching a show on PBS about England. I switched back and forth from jello to popsicles for the rest of the day, and I drank the second magnesium citrate at 4:00. The second bottle was much harder to get down than the first and took me a long time. I felt so nauseous and exhausted. I camped out on the couch with my cat and the TV remote for the entire day. A surprise came from my grandparents in the afternoon: a bouquet of flowers and an adorable stuffed lion. My grandparents stayed completely up to date with my medical problems, and my mom talked to my grandpa every day to update him about me. I went to bed early that night, mainly because I had to get up early the next day, but also because the clean out had completely exhausted me. I was so down in the dumps. How did I make it back to this? My last scope was in August of 2011; almost two years ago. What could possibly be wrong?
 I had to be at the hospital at 7am on the day of the scope, June 6. There was some extreme deja vu going on as my mom and I walked into the hospital and to the endoscopy floor. Last time, I was so dehydrated that I could barely move, but I didn't feel that way this time. A big male nurse called me from the waiting room and took me back to the prep area. Since I was so out-of-it last time, it was a like a whole new world! I changed into the very flattering hospital gown and socks before the nurse came in. She had the sweetest voice I've ever heard! She was very quite and mild with a soft and squeaky voice to match. She almost made the experience pleasant! After she left, I read my current British book until Dr. Di came in. My parents signed consent forms, we went over the procedure, and Dr. Di said that if the scope came back normal he would try to get me in to see an adult GI even though my 18th birthday was over two months away. The thought of that made me pray even harder that there would be something visibly wrong. That's such an odd thing to pray for, but when you are in a situation like mine, you find yourself praying for a problem that can be resolved. After Dr. Di left, Nurse T. surprised me with a visit! It was so great to see her; she completely put me at ease. Soon it was time to start the IV so I could be taken back to the procedure room. I kept myself from rolling my eyes when the child life specialist came in and talked to me like I was 10. I knew the IV would be hard to get in because I was dehydrated, and I was right. After two nurses and three tries, an IV was finally started. While the nurses were trying, the anesthesiologist came in to go over the basics of being put under. I hugged my mom goodbye before walking with a nurse down the hallway and around a corner. I saw a huge white board (just like on Grey's Anatomy) stating which doctor was in which room. This procedure room was different from the room I was in last time. It was small, dark, and very crowded. Nurse J., Dr. Di's male nurse, was drinking coffee and greeted me with a friendly hello and asked how I was.
"Well....I'm here."
Nurse J. apologized for drinking coffee since it was "unprofessional". I told him that it smelled so good and I was thirsty. I laid down on the table while the nurses put heart monitor stickers on me. I heard the anesthesiologist (who was behind my head) ask Dr. Di how he wants his teens during scopes. Dr. Di replied that I should be kept still and calm.
"And asleep." I added, which drew laughs from everybody.
"Good for you; voicing your own opinion!" The nurse who was standing next to me said. "You look familiar. Have we scoped you before?"
I was impressed that she was able to recognize me after almost two years. She had me breathe in oxygen before the "magic medicine" was going to be put in through the IV. It might sting and I would probably feel "floaty". Shortly after she said that, my fingers started to tingle and my cheeks stung and itched. I briefly felt nervous, but I reminded myself that as soon as I fell asleep I would wake up again. That's one of the blessings from being put under so many times: I knew what to expect. My face felt hot and then the floaty feeling came.

About 45 minutes later, Dr. Di met my parents in the waiting room while I was taken to recovery. I faintly remember asking the nurse where my mom was before falling back asleep. I remember opening my eyes and seeing my mom. I was very teary and confused. Ultimately, I was dying to know what, if anything, was wrong, but I couldn't think straight enough to come up with the words to ask. I got very upset about the automatic blood pressure cuff that was squeezing my arm and the oxygen clip on my finger.
"It's bugging me." I said as I took the clip off my finger. The nurse gently moved it to a different finger which satisfied me. When I was more awake, I asked my mom what they found. I still clearly remember my mom saying: "your stomach is inflamed and there is bile in your stomach." I was so relieved that I fell back asleep. The next time I woke up, I asked for something to drink. The nurse brought me a juice box. Even though I still had a decent amount of anesthesia in my body, I still searched the juice box for a label to read.
"'s gluten-free." My mom told me.
I slept on and off for about a hour before the nurse wanted me to start sitting up. I was curious to see the pictures of my inflamed stomach, and I was taken back at how red and inflamed the inside of my stomach looked. It was also weird to see green liquid (bile) in my stomach as well. I added a fourth digestive disorder to my list: gastritis

Gastritis: Gastritis occurs when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed or swollen.
 I didn't feel completely awake, but I was cleared to go home anyways. My mom left to get the car while I was wheeled outside. I slept the whole way home, and when I got home I went up to my bedroom where my cat was more than willing to comfort me by purring and sleeping as close to me as possible. I rested for most of the day, but I was so touched when flowers came from my brother and future sister-in-law.
Beautiful flowers from
my brother and his fiancée
  My mom informed me that Dr. Di prescribed Nexium, the purple pill, for the inflammation in my stomach. The bile had leaked into my stomach because I don't have a gall bladder. Dr. Di wanted to give the Nexium a chance to work before starting anything for the bile.
At the end of the day, I was exhausted but thankful. There was a problem that could be fixed. If you remember from the previous post, both Dr. El and Dr. Di had guessed that I had gastritis. An inflamed stomach completely explained the early feelings of being full and the stomach pain that was so bad I could hardly stand up straight.

I had been on Nexium for a few days when I started to see it actually working. I only noticed a very small difference in how I felt, but it was better than nothing. In the meantime, I continued to work, run, and prepare for my role as a bridesmaid in my brother's upcoming wedding. This brings me to some much needed comic relief: I had been using a daily tanning lotion so I wouldn't look like a vampire in my bridesmaid dress. I was getting dressed one day when I noticed something strange. There were three round circle shapes on my chest that weren't tan. I couldn't figure out what it was but it finally hit me: the heart monitors that were stuck to my chest during the scope had taken off my tanning lotion! I started applying extra lotion to those areas so it wouldn't be visibly noticeable that I had been put under about a month before the wedding!
 As time moved on, I still didn't feel consistently well. My mom called Nurse J., who gave a full report to Dr. Di. A medicine was prescribed, and this medicine was called cholestryamine:
Cholestryamine: an oral drug used for many reasons, one of which is to bind up any excess bile in the stomach.
In addition to having nasty sounding side effects (constipation and abdominal distension anyone?), this medicine was what I would call high maintenance. It had to be taken three hours before any other medicine and no more than one hour after other medicine. This wouldn't be such a problem if I wasn't on so many medicines! I was still taking amitriptyline and Nexium in addition to a vitamin, probiotic, Miralax, occasional Tylenol, and peppermint oil capsules. All of those counted as medicines. My mom came up with a medicine schedule that we sat down and planned every single day. That isn't the end of this high maintenance medicine though. It was a powder that I mixed with three ounces of water twice a day. The powder was bright orange and smelled like orange juice. It kind of tasted like Sunny D, only not as good. I also had to brush my teeth really well after I drank it because it would coat my teeth and could cause potential tooth decay. Sounds great right?! With all the effort and planning this medicine took, it had better work.
 I actually did feel better within a few days! I could never feel well consistently though. I was, however, very proud of myself for graduating from the Couch 2 5k running program! By the end of June, I could run three miles. I was so thankful that this latest round of bad health didn't prevent me from running. I felt like I was fighting my stomach back whenever I ran!

July 2013

On July 1 I had a follow up appointment with Dr. Di. I still wasn't consistently feeling better. My mom looked back through my medical history file on our computer and noticed that at the end of last summer (when I felt 100% better), I had just gotten off prescription prevacid (aka lansoprazole). Lansoprazole is in the same family as other medicines that shut off pumps in the stomach that produce acid. If it worked last year, why wouldn't it work again? Dr. Di agreed to try the prevacid, along with increasing the cholestryamine to three times a day. While doing his usual physical exam, Dr. Di felt something different in my stomach. He thought it was probably a muscle (abs of steel!!) or maybe my spine, but he wanted me to have an ultrasound just in case. It was almost sad how routine and normal the ultrasound was. Of course, it came back normal.
 As my brother's wedding drew closer, I started to get nervous. I desperately wanted to feel better for the wedding. I wanted to look like a healthy bridesmaid, dance the night away at the reception, and have a great report for all the out-of-state relatives who would be there and undoubtedly ask how I was feeling. Thankfully, as the week of the wedding came around, I did start to feel a little bit better. I noticed that my stomach would really start to hurt, that gastritis pain, about 30 minutes before the next dose of cholestryamine was due. After I drank my medicine, my stomach would feel better. I began to look at cholestryamine as a friend, not a terrible side effect causing medicine that tasted gross.

Wedding time!
The weekend of my brother's wedding came quickly. It was so great to see my dad's siblings and cousins again AND to tell them that I was feeling better. I was able to dance with everybody else for the entire reception, something that I love to do at weddings! My stomach felt great, but that was probably due to the fact that I hadn't had much to eat that day. The day after the wedding, when I actually had time to eat, my stomach returned to its usual fullness and pain mode.
 The rest of July was filled with working, running, and enjoying what was left of summer. I registered to take a math class at our community college, as prep for college, during my senior year of high school, and I wondered if I would still not feel well when it started.

August 2013

At the beginning of August, I noticed an interesting trend. On days when I worked a morning shift at the daycare, I got up at 6:00 in the morning. I had to take my cholestryamine after I woke up and one hour after taking my other medicines. I set my alarm to take my prevacid, probiotic, and peppermint oil capsule at 5:20 a.m. so I could take the cholestryamine at 6:20 before I left for work. On days when I didn't have to work the morning shift, I didn't set an alarm to take my medicine at 5:20. On days when I didn't do this, I didn't feel well. On days when I took my pills at 5:20, I felt pretty good. I like to think that God caused me to realize this because I had a dream where I took my pills at 5:20 when in reality I didn't. Maybe my body was so used to receiving the pills at 5:20 that I dreamt about it. With this being said, I will remind you what prevacid does: prevacid shuts off the pumps in the stomach that produce acid. When I took prevacid at 5:20, those pumps were shut off and stomach acid wasn't irritating the gastritis. However, when I didn't take prevacid at 5:20, the pumps were shut off at whatever time I took it. I decided to always set my alarm for 5:20, regardless of what time I actually had to get up, to see if that helped. It did! Still to this day, I take my prevacid at 5:20 in the morning. After realizing that prevacid had to be taken at the same time every day, it made me wonder if taking the cholestryamine at the same time would have the same effect. I created a schedule and strictly followed it. It worked wonders!

The master schedule
 I had read something on Pinterest about chamomile tea being good for healing inflammation. I started drinking a cup of chamomile tea (with some milk because chamomile tea by itself tastes like straw!) every morning. It helped my stomach get started off on a good note, and it tasted great! August 10 brought my 18th birthday! I celebrated by having a picnic and boat ride at the lake with all of my family before going to the Iowa State Fair. I felt great on my birthday! I didn't feel like I had "turned the corner" but I knew I was close.
 Now that I was 18, I could finally get my ears pierced. My mom's rule was that my sister and I had to wait until we were 18 to get our ears pierced. My friend, Elizabeth, and I had made plans to go to Claire's together and get my ears pierced ever since we were little. Elizabeth has had her ears pierced three times so she was full of advice and tips. My mom, Elizabeth, and I made a day out of this big event by going out for lunch before the piercing and shopping afterwards. My mom couldn't watch me get my ears pierced because she thought she would throw up so she waited outside. Having my ears pierced was just like having blood drawn or an IV started. I had no problems with the piercing, and I fell in love with my new look!
No big deal! :P
 My senior year of high school started a few days after I got my ears pierced. I had some stress and anxiety about starting the math class at the community college and that resulted in me not feeling well. I still struggled on and off with the gastritis pain even when I had taken my pills at the right time so I knew I wasn't 100% yet, but I was so close!
 I accomplished a great feat on August 25: I ran my first 5k race at the church that I work at! I finished in just a little over 30 minutes, and I was in the top ten finishers. My health might not be perfect, but I was in awe of the progress I had made. Two years ago in August 2011, I was dangerously sick and waiting for an answer. I was healthy in August 2012, but I was in no position to run 3.2 miles. Had I turned the corner? I think so.....


Finishing my first 5k!!

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